Health Info Tips

Weight loss/diet offer dieting information or a personal journal of weight loss. Nutrition and food are more focused on nutritional balance, supplements and related concerns such as healthy eating. Running are often authored by runners who publish their running experiences, training and related concerns. .



Friday, June 7, 2019

June 07, 2019

The correct and effective way to lose weight is open. Ten safe and effective weight loss tips keep you thin

The correct and effective way to lose weight is open. Ten safe and effective weight loss tips keep you thin.

1 early diet diet

Eating early before the body is hungry is an effective diet to lose weight. Researchers believe that insulin can regulate the absorption of sugar in the human body, and at the same time, it has a certain inhibitory effect on food conversion and fat accumulation. If you eat before hunger, you can often control the secretion of insulin. In addition, eating a meal at a meal can reduce the appetite during a meal, thereby reducing the number of people taking.

2 dieting diet

This is a new type of weight loss method. It mainly requires dieters to eat certain foods during each meal. For example, when people eat high-protein, high-fat leeks, they can eat a vegetable, but they can't drink beer, and they can't eat carbohydrates such as bread and potatoes. The reason is mainly that human body fat is composed of a variety of nutrients. When people eat high-protein foods, they do not eat carbohydrates, and the human body will not gain fat and gain weight.

3 fruit and vegetable meal diet

Experts believe that eating more fruits and vegetables can help to lose weight. Because meat foods are easy to become fat, they are stored in the human body and become obese. Proteins or carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables are not easily converted into fat. In particular, green vegetables that do not contain sugar are more effective for weight loss because they cause the body to consume more calories than the fruits and vegetables that a person eats. Fruit and vegetable meals refer to vegetables or fruits that do not eat at all or basically do not eat cereals or meat, to greatly reduce the total calorie and fat intake of the meal.

4 protein drink diet

A type of diet to lose weight. The method is to take the food that the dieter must ingest every day, and manually extract the protein in the food beforehand, and then make the protein into an easily digestible liquid for the dieter to drink. According to the research report, after the protein diet is taken by the dieter, the protein is converted into energy for the body to consume, and most of the fat is gradually converted into energy to be consumed by the body as the body needs, only a small part of the fat. Retained in muscle fibers. Usually weightlifters and wrestlers take this protein solution for years as a source of energy.

5 slow to eat fine throat diet

A safe way to lose weight, that is, when eating or eating other foods, slowly swallow the food in the mouth when it is chewed to the limit. The mechanism is: after slowly eating and chewing the food, mixing a large amount of saliva, after entering the gastrointestinal tract, it is easier and faster to be digested and absorbed, and the blood sugar level is also increased faster, when the blood sugar rises to a certain extent, The appetite center of the brain sends a signal of fullness, and although it is not eaten much, it has a feeling of fullness. On the other hand, if you eat too fast, when the brain sends a signal to stop eating, it actually eats too much food, so it will be overweight.

The correct and effective way to lose weight is open. Ten safe and effective weight loss tips make you thin

6 diet time difference diet

The choice of eating time has a very close relationship with the increase or decrease in weight. Studies have shown that the most vigorous metabolism of the human body is between 8:00-12: 00, if you avoid the above time to eat, you can achieve a certain weight loss effect. This is because the value of insulin reaches its maximum in the evening, causing a large amount of fat to deposit. Tests have shown that eating two kilocalories of food in the morning does not affect the weight of the person, and increases the weight at night. Therefore, eating at night should not exceed 30% of the daily food intake, and at least 35% in the morning.

7 control fat mass diet

People who are overweight always pay attention to controlling the calories of food. In fact, as long as you control the amount of fat without having to eat less, you can achieve the goal of weight loss. The new weight-loss method he created aims to reduce the "heat effect", so while reducing fat intake, it is necessary to supplement the protein and carbohydrates to meet the needs of the body. Because fat-containing foods are more delicious and fuller, this method will make people boring and hunger, but they will gradually adapt to it.

8 flow diet

The method called "fasting" is also known as the "very low calorie meal" diet. People who lose weight in this way do not eat solid food at all for 16 weeks or for a longer period of time. Drink only a few cups of flavored protein solution every day - total calories are 400 kcal-----800 The card's fluidity can be reduced by 2 kg to 4 kg in one week, and can be reduced by about 2.5 kg per week thereafter. It is reported that thousands of obese people have successfully lost 25 kilograms to 35 kilograms in just 16 weeks after implementing the diet diet.

9 early meals to lose weight

"The choice of eating time is more important for the increase and decrease of body weight than the amount and quality of the human diet." Because the body's metabolic status is different at different times of the day. Generally speaking, after getting up in the morning, the metabolism gradually became strong, reaching the peak at 8:00 am and 12:00. Therefore, the dieter can advance the meal time, the breakfast is arranged before 6 o'clock, and the lunch is arranged at around 10 o'clock, and the good weight loss effect can be received.

10 no calorie dieting

That is, hunger therapy, suitable for elderly obese people who often eat and drink. The person using this weight loss method must be healthy, with the consent of the doctor, and be hospitalized or lying at home under his supervision. This method should not be used for patients, young people who are developing, people over the age of 60, and pregnant and lactating women. Daily Recipes: 1.5 kg non-calorie beverage (with saccharin as a seasoning) - tea, black coffee, lemon mineral water. The thermal energy content of these beverages is equal to zero. It is best to add an appropriate amount of vitamins to the above beverages. The dieting time is 20 days. Do not eat, lying in bed. Within 2-4 weeks after the dieting period, nutrition must be slowly and gradually increased until the standard dietary requirements are reached. Take this dieting method at most once a year. See "The hunger diet". (Source: Oriental IC)

June 07, 2019

Have smooth skin, master nursing skills, maintain a good mentality and live a healthy life

Have smooth skin, master nursing skills, maintain a good mentality and live a healthy life

Every girl wants to be beautiful every day, but even if some of the girls’ facial features are very delicate, if they don’t have a very good skin, then it doesn’t look very beautiful. Come to some simple skin care tips.

Have smooth skin, master nursing skills, maintain a good mentality and live a healthy life

Our girls' skin is divided into three types. The first type is dry skin, the second type is oily skin, and the third type is between the two. Most girls today are synthetic skin. It refers to the two characteristics of oily skin and dry skin. No matter which skin type has the corresponding skin care method, here are some simple skin care methods.

Have smooth skin, master nursing skills, maintain a good mentality and live a healthy life

Clean the skin in the morning. After a night, some parts of our face will be very greasy and some parts will be dry. Therefore, when cleaning the skin every morning, wash it more at the oily part of the face. In three or four days, you can use a scrub to perform an exfoliation treatment. Another very common method of skin care is to care for the facial mask from time to time. But not every day, the mask is good for the skin. If the mask is applied every day, it will make the skin dependent on the mask and lose its original self-moisturizing function.

Have smooth skin, master nursing skills, maintain a good mentality and live a healthy life

Therefore, the mask can only be used once in two to three days, not every day. Does this save more money for everyone? When we cleaned the face, wipe off the water stains on the face by gently rubbing it on the face with a soft towel instead of rubbing it dry. Just gently touch the water stains on the face to dry it. This will keep our skin more supple and shiny.

Have smooth skin, master nursing skills, maintain a good mentality and live a healthy life

The third step is to use a skin care product such as water and milk that is suitable for your skin after a normal series of treatments. Regular daily skin care is a necessary step to keep the skin shiny, but for deeper skin care steps it is still necessary to adjust from the texture of our body. In order to keep the skin clean, fresh and shiny every day, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water every day, eat some apples, strawberries, bananas, vegetables and so on. Try not to eat more greasy food.

Have smooth skin, master nursing skills, maintain a good mentality and live a healthy life

The work of sun protection every day should also be done well. Don't cut the sun because the winter sun is not strong in summer. And the smog in winter is sometimes very serious, and applying a light layer of isolation every day is also a kind of protection for the skin. In the summer, girls who love oil on their faces should be refreshed and elegant. In places with a lot of oil, they can be sucked with some oil paper using powder cake or oil-absorbing paper towel.

Have smooth skin, master nursing skills, maintain a good mentality and live a healthy life
Have smooth skin, master nursing skills, maintain a good mentality and live a healthy life
When you go out, apply a light sunscreen lotion and put on a hat or sunglasses to prevent sun damage to your face.

Have smooth skin, master nursing skills, maintain a good mentality and live a healthy life

The last and most important way to skin care is to have a healthy body and an optimistic and positive attitude. Remember to keep exercising every day is normal, and maintaining a happy mood will also help our skin become smoother and more delicate. Girls who haven’t really protected their skin, get ready! With perseverance, the skin will be more radiant and moving